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Animal / Wildlife Library
This Website and all its Content and Images are Copyright©2003-2024 by Mammoth HD, Inc and the Contributing Artists.
8K, 6K and 5K Originals (available as 8K, 6K, 5K, 4K, 2K and HD 1080)
African Birds
African Birds: 8K
African Birds: 4K-6K
African Darter African Fish Eagle African Grey Hornbill
African Jacana African Penguin African Red-Eyed Bulbul
African Scopes Owl African Skimmer African Spoonbill
Barn Swallow Bateleur Eagle Bee Eater
Black-Crowned Night Heron Blacksmith Plover/Lapwing Black-Winged Stilt
Blue Waxbill Brown Hooded Kingfisher Burchell’s Coucal
Burchell’s Sandgrouse Cape Glossy Starling Cape Sparrow
Cape Vulture Cape Weaver Cape White-Eye
Cattle Egret Common Ostrich Crimson-Breasted Shrike
Crowned Plover Dusty Sunbird Egyptian Goose
Emerald-Spotted Wood Dove European Roller Fork Tailed Drongo
Giant Kingfisher Greater Blue-Eared Starling Great Egret
Green Wing Pytilla Grey Go-Away Bird Grey Heron
Hadada Ibis Hamerkop Helmeted Guineafowl
Hooded Vulture Hoopoe Kori Bustard
Lanner Falcon Lappet-Faced Vulture Lesser Double-Collared Sunbird
Lilac Breasted Roller Little Bee Eater Little Egret
Magpie Shrike Malachite Kingfisher Malachite Sunbird
Marabou Stork Martial Eagle Maves's Starling
Namaqua Sandgrouse Natal Spurfowl Northern Black Korhann
Pale Chanting Goshawk Pearl-Spotted Owl Pygmy Falcon
Pied Avocet Pied Kingfisher Pin-tailed Whydah
Purple Roller Red-Billed Oxpecker Red Crested Korhann
Red-headed Lark Ruppell's Vulture Sabota Lark
Saddle-billed Stork Secretarybird Spotted Eagle Owl
Squacco Heron Sociable Weavers Southern Carmine BeeEater
Southern Ground Hornbill Southern Masked Weaver Southern Red-Billed Hornbill
Southern Yellow-Billed Hornbill Spur-Winged Goose Streaky-headed Seedeater
Swainson's Francolin Swallow-Tailed Bee-Eater Tawny Eagle
Three-Banded Plover Verreaux's Eagle Owl Village Weavers
Vultures Wahlberg's Eagle Water Thick Knees
White Backed Mousebird White Backed Vulture White Browed Sparrow Weaver
White-Faced Whistling Duck White-Fronted BeeEater Woodland Kingfisher
Wood Sandpiper Woolly-Necked Stork Yellow-Billed Kite
Yellow -Billed Oxpeckers Yellow-Billed Storks Yellow-Fronted Canary
Yellow-Throated Longclaw    
Flying Mammals    
Epauletted Fruit Bat (mammal)    
Member: National Assoc. of Broadcasters (NAB), Hollywood Post Alliance (HPA) and Global Society for Asset Management (GSAM)
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